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Large Sized Bits

Welcome to our Large Bit Size Collection. We have put together a collection of our range of bits, across the various styles and uses available in 6" and bigger sizes.

  • Stubben Loose Ring snaffle


    Stubben Loose Ring with Copper Mouthpiece


    Stubben Loose Ring Oval Mouth Copper Snaffle Bit - This 16mm loose ring bit has a sweet copper mouthpiece along with an oval mouth link made to allow for better acceptance of the bit.- Designed to give better communication between horse and rider. -...

  • Neue Schule Turtle Tactio Universal 7011U

    Neue Schule

    Neue Schule Turtle Tactio Universal 7011U


      About the BitIs your sensitive or fussy in the contact but strong? Does your horse have a large tongue and sensitive bars? Or do you have a horse with a small mouth and very little room for a bit? Is your horse curling behind the bit or tossing...