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Neue Schule Tranz Angled Bevel 8022Bev (55mm rings)

Neue Schule

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Very popular in the show ring in the UK- need more control than a snaffle?
- A very mild lever action causes the cheeks to tilt forwards and the mouthpiece to lift up.
- Very effective for ponies and horses that poke their noses or are strung out.
- Promotes outline, turning and gives extra gentle control- a step up from a snaffle.  Also known in Australia as a Wilkie Bit, and popular for jumping.
- 8022Bev 14mm Tranz Angled Lozenge Mouthpiecemouthpiece with 55mm rings.  (smaller rings means less leverage applied)

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  • 4
    Great all purpose bit

    Posted by Kirsty on Oct 31, 2011

    I have used this bit on a number of horses, and it is a great transition bit when you need something a little more than a snaffle but aren't ready to head down the route of curbs, and gags. You can increase the amount of leverage by placing the bit higher in the mouth (using shorter cheek straps) and a grackle/mexican nose band. Or you can use everyday in a normal position and the horses are super comfortable and happy. Everyone should have one in their bit collection!

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