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Neue Schule Verbindend 9011

Neue Schule

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About the Bit

A softness and lift you can truly feel! 

The Neue Schule Verbindend is one of our miracle bits for helping horses who are heavy on the forehand, resistant to the aids or getting the tongue over the bit without severity as a side effect. 

It is also helpful for riders looking for more refinement, bend and fine tuning in the lateral work. 

Your horse will be immediately more lifted from the shoulder with complete freedom of the tongue to encourage full range of hindquarter action and a true self carriage and feel of working through.   

This bit will help with  
  • Leaning on the reins

  • On the forehand

  • Tongue Evasions

  • Pulling

  • Transitioning to a double

  • Small rider - big horse combination

  • Lateral work

  • Relaxing the jaw

  • Fine tuning

  • Overactive mouth













The loose ring allows for an instant release from pressure and softer more refined feel through the reins. It also enables the horse to move the mouthpiece to where it is most comfortable.


Dressage legality*


EA Dressage - YES

EA Eventing Dressage - YES

Pony Club - YES



How it should fit

The Verbindend Loose Ring must fit snug with only 2-5mm gap between the lip and the hole in the mouthpiece. This bit does run small due to the curve so please order ¼ of a size larger than your horses current well fitting bit.


Technical Information

Brand Neue Schule

Model  Verbindend

Mouthpiece Size 5”-6.5” in 1/4 size increments

Mouthpiece Thickness 16mm

Ring Diameter 70mm

Material Salox GoldTM Mouthpiece with highly polished Stainless Steel Rings

Model Number NS-9011 


*Whilst we make every effort to ensure our information on dressage legal bits for each association is the most up to date and accurate, Bit Bank Australia accepts no liability for incorrect information - the responsibility is on the rider to make sure they are using equipment that follows the rules and regulations of their chosen discipline.


42 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Ridgeview Equestrian Grounds on May 24, 2024

    I’m so very happy with this bit. I have one for my other mount and it was a 1/4 of an inch to big so had to get him a 5”. Now two seperate bridles per mount. Amanda our bit fitter was exceptional with fitting and trialling bits here at Ridgeview. Amandas after/post service care was wonderful. Thanks for the discount code Amanda, more money for hay ???

  • 5

    Posted by Emily on Mar 15, 2024

    Great bit for my OTTB that tends to lean heavily on the forehand! I’ve already noticed a vast improvement in his responsiveness to the bit and overall performance.

  • 5
    Love this bit!

    Posted by Simone on Sep 26, 2022

    IPleasantly surprised and really happy with this bit. My horse was a "chomper" with very busy mouth even with KK Ultra. With this bit the "chomping" has almost disappeared!! So I think she's much happier / comfortable (which makes me happier) and has a much steadier contact.. Highly recommend.

  • 5
    Neue Schulz verbindend 9011

    Posted by Gina Kenny on May 04, 2022

    Great bit for our OTT horse who was a bit heavy and leaned on the bit. Made the world of difference to his frame

  • 5
    Verbidend 9011

    Posted by Morgan Knight on Feb 03, 2022

    I absolutely adore this bit, my mare is so much happier and wiling. With more space to move her shoulder and hock action from the encouragement of the transangle Losenge to lift her back and come off the forehand. Will definitely be being another one or two for my other horses.

  • 5
    Best bit for lifting the shoulders

    Posted by Yvette on Sep 21, 2021

    I now have both my dressage warmblood and my pony in this bit and couldn't be happier with how gentle and lightly they both work in it.

  • 5
    Absolutely loved this bit!

    Posted by McKenzie Apel on May 29, 2021

    Really helped to soften my horse and unblock his mouth

  • 5
    Neue Schule Verbindend 9011 Review

    Posted by Sue W on Apr 07, 2021

    I used a NSV 5.25" bit successfully on my WBxASH mare. I recently bought a ClydexTB and the old bit seemed to fit OK (no pinching etc). However her mouth appears to be bigger than the previous mare's, so I ordered the 5.5" for the new horse. Just in case I was being a bit fussy and the new bit wasn't really needed I also paid for the return insurance. However, I am glad that I got the larger size as the new mare seems to be steadier (less chomping) on the larger bit.

  • 5
    NC Verbindend

    Posted by Jo on Nov 14, 2020

    I contacted Bit Bank to see if this bit would be the best for what we needed and yes it was. The change when using it was profound. I truely didn't expect that much of a difference. However we now had no leaning in the canters, so it meant I could ride better and have a more positive influence, he was lighter and more up, instead or getting a bit bigger down in his canter work. One ride and I was sold. If your horse can get a little heavy or on the forehand, give this a go. Still soft, still a kind snaffle, but works so well.

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